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Alex Sherborne


B. Phty UQ, Cert Acup, Cert Pilates - Alex is currently on Extended Long Service Leave

Alex is currently on Long Service Leave (June, 24)

Why did you want to become a physiotherapist?

I knew I wanted a medical based profession, and to work closely with people in order to help fix their problems; Physiotherapy has been a rewarding choice.

Why is the shoulder one of your favourite area’s in the body to treat?

The shoulder is the most complex and largest moving joint in the body – it is the easiest to injure but can also be the easiest to fix.

Why did you develop the Neck Tek?

I was frustrated that there was no home exercise equipment available for my clients with neck pain, so I decided to develop a portable version of larger Pilates based equipment that we use in the Clinic.

My patients find it so much easier to do their neck exercises, and are able to get great relief in their own home.

Nek Tek funds go towards regions of the South pacific and helps provide women and Children in Vanuatu with clean drinking water.

What is your approach to exercise?

Everyone responds to exercise differently and everyone has both strengths and weaknesses; people tend to prefer working on their strengths, however my goal is to work towards strengthening their weaknesses.

How do you keep fit?

In my spare time I like to swim, paddle, cycle and ski.

To book in with Alex to help you with:

  • Shoulder Pain and Injury
  • Men’s Health
  • TMJ
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Biomechanical Assessment
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