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Alla Melman

Physiotherapist, Pilates Instructor

PhD, MScMed (PainMgt), B. App.Sc. (Phty), Cert Acup (Dry Needling), APA Titled Pain Physio

What do you like most about being a Physio?

I enjoy making a positive difference in people’s lives every day. It is a privilege to be able to make such a positive impact on someone’s health and well-being.

Why did you choose to do further study in Chronic Pain?

Persistent pain is such a challenging area of medicine, and we still don’t have all the answers. I wanted to be able to offer the best available treatment to my clients and be comfortable with treating complex conditions.

What do you enjoy about teaching exercises to your patients?

I enjoy seeing patients progress week to week, becoming ready for new challenges. I help them achieve their goals; be it to be able to pick up their kids easily, go skiing or hiking on holidays, or get back to sport and dance.

Why is it that you consider Women’s health so important?

I think mothers in particular put themselves last on the priority list. It is essential to get proper assessment and treatment after having a baby, so that you are not dealing with complications down the track.

I recommend to all new mums to routinely have a post baby checkup so we can be sure all is fine.

What are some of the conditions you find rewarding to treat?

Conditions I find particularly satisfying to treat are headaches, as this makes a profound impact on someone’s mood and ability to think clearly. Many headaches can be relieved quite easily and I enjoy seeing the change in a client’s eyes and mood as the headache lifts.

APA Titled Pain Physiotherapist

I have recently completed a PhD at the University of Sydney, where I developed and evaluated a physiotherapy led virtual hospital model of care, aimed at reducing hospital admissions for back pain. This model has now been adopted by Sydney Local Health District as standard care. I am passionate about staying up to date with research and applying it to my clinical practice. I am also involved in teaching clinical skills to Physiotherapy Students at USYD, which I find very rewarding.
My research has found that the earlier you can get moving with an episode of back pain, and avoid bed rest, the quicker your recovery.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I love to walk, kayak and swim. I also love to paint with water colours and experiment in the kitchen by making fermented veggies such as sauerkraut and pickles.

To book with Alla to help you with:
  • Women’s health
  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
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